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Bliss Bandits Warehouse Sale

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Dates :
January 18th 2020 from 10am to 1pm

Address:   Show on map
2824 Newport Blvd
92663 Newport Beach
United States

Tel / Fax / Email / Website:
+1 949-371-9433
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Shop for women's apparel, activewear, swimwear, and accessories at reduced prices at the Bliss Bandits Warehouse Sale.

Brands included are Someday's Lovin, One Spoon, Koral, Blank NYC, Spiritual Gangster, Onzie, Beyond Yoga, Strut This, Spell & The GYPSY, Jen's Pirate Booty, Sundry, Flynn Skye, Minkpink, INDAH, Cleobella, Vuori, Quay, Lovres + Friends, LNA, J.O.A, Free People, Wildfox, Amuse Society, Blue Life, and For Love & Lemons.

Price starts at $10.

Cash and credit cards are accepted.


Free PeopleBeyond YogaCleobellaOnzieJ.O.A.Amuse SocietyFor Love & LemonsSpiritual GangsterKoralWildfoxQuayBlank NYCSundrySomeday's LovinStrut ThisJen's Pirate BootyMinkpinkVuoriIndahLNALovres + FriendsBlue LifeFlynn SkyeOne SpoonSpell & The GYPSY


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