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Warehouse Clothing Sale

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Dates :
March 9th 2019 from 10am to 5pm
March 10th 2019 from 10am to 5pm

Address:   Show on map
11345 Trade Center Dr. ste#250
95742 Rancho Cordova
United States

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Shop for men, women, and kids' apparel and footwear at reduced prices at the Warehouse Clothing Sale.

Brands included are Adidas, Puma, Levi's, Calvin Klein, Orvis, Kirkland Signature, 32 Degrees, Gerry, Nautica, Weatherproof, Jocke, Carole Hochman, and Buffallo David Bitton.

All sales are final.

Items are available for $5 each.

Cash only.


AdidasCalvin KleinPumaNauticaBuffalo David BittonCarole HochmanOrvis32 DegreesKirkland SignatureGerryWeatherproofJockeLevi’s


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